- Our audience (in our direct servers)
- Thank you (like listener and Dj )
- Technical problems
- More one year
Dear Trance Passion Family,
With many pleasure and honor Radio Trance Passion thanks to all of You, for make this one better word with music.
Massive thank you to you like Dj for your great work, and to you for support the Dj´s.
Listening is support too!
All the merit is yours, as a DJ and as a listener
Certain that for us you will never be a number, but our reason for being here, with all the affection, and passion for this our Trancefamily!
Regional Statics:
Top country (Audience 01-04-2021 at 31-04-2021) *- countries with more than 12k listeners *- (We can only manage data from our direct servers, and not from audio partners or associate, and video streams like Mixcloud, or !)

Weekly listener average:

A massive thank you, Gratefully.
Top Country / Cities
Canada - Beauharnois, Montreal, Québec
United States - New York, Beaufort, Los Angeles
Portugal, Lisbon ,Guimarães, Viana do Castelo
Germany, Berlin, Altenburg, Leipzig
Poland, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Katowice
Russia, Moscow, Krasnodar, St Petersburg
Japan ,Kobira , Tokyo, Setagaya-ku
Spain , Barcelona , Zaragoza, Valencia
South Africa, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town
Brazil ,São Paulo , Brasília , Rio de Janeiro
*- All our power to India ( # We are with you too)
*- For the actual covid situation you are in 1st place
Chennai, Bengaluru, Pune
Top Radios in US.

Our history: (from 29-07-2020 to 28-03-2021)

We decided to gather more detail from our audience, a possible help in your work.
- Age and Gender.


*- all the data are collect under our policy privacy
Technical problems: Unfortunately, it's not all good news.

Almost a week that we have noticed failures in our broadcast, having to use our cloud server (auto Dj), so there is no silence on the air, (and stop with our schedule)
Even after we have reviewed all our technical part, and all the diligence with our internet provider (fiber optics), we still notice the existence of these failures, less, but still existing.
latest error events:
07-05-2021 - 10:13 UTC : Server connection closed 07-05-2021 - 19:38 UTC : Cannot start broadcasting
We know that we are dependent on other services, but we don't have the "luxury" of providing a bad service, because of the respect we have for our audience, and the moral commitment we have with our DJs , and their work that is delivered to us.
So the continuation of this radio station may be in question if the problems continue. We express our most sincere apologies to the DJ's affected during this period.
We are positive, but not negligent.
Yes, it "apparently" went unnoticed!

One more year to count in this Radio.
365 days / 24H day (trying) to make people happy!
From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that somehow we have managed to make a good " time" with this our passion - Music

It's not only your Sets that deserve our attention and care.
Your music is also important to us and we are happy to broadcast your music and share too!
Count on us, send to our email:
Non Profit:

Since the beginning, this Radio Trance Passion is motivated only by the passion for music and not by the economic part. (and will continue !)
We noticed, (among others), some monthly subscriptions on Mixcloud for example.
Although we thank you very much, but, we are already working to get it back to you.
If you want to support one DJ', we are happy to put you in contact, and help .
( Our email : )
We thank you very much for your kindness, your affection, your gesture, but listening, spreading and share the DJ's posts is the best support you can give and we thank you in advance.
Because we only have one life, and music is our life.
Audio quality: Now all the streams are in 320Kb (mp3) (Video and App included ) *-Direct stream - Radio Trance Passion.m3u

The testes in Flac are now stooped.
We notice some problems in Video streams, from our internet provider (optical fiber) and we are try solve the most urgent .

*- we can only guarantee the 320Kb in our direct steam servers.
*- any questions, or if you notice any problem, feel free for contact us to our email

One great day TranceFamily, be happy ! Now Today! ( our wishes )
Radio Trance Passions thanks to all the great works and your support!.
*- Listening is support too!
