Dear TrancePassions , Greetings
First of all I would like to thank you all for your great understanding, but this time it was necessary to stop reviewing many situations that were not well and improve or change the most urgent ones.
During this time only selected DJ's invited to collaborate were given the option.
In this criterion, we took into account mainly :
-Upload regularity.
-Set quality (quality of mixing and musical selection)
Our audience has already proved to be very demanding and this is a commitment we have chosen for the moment.
To have fewer DJs, but to maintain and even raise the quality of our work.
New DJ's - New partnerships:
New DJ's are already on this Radio, as well as new partnerships to be published in due course.
In this different context (covid-19) we are aware of the possible impediments so we are taking this factor into account, but not managing to delay much longer.
So we ask you, if you have not yet uploaded it to your personal folder, to do so as soon as possible. As you understand, we can't keep changing the schedule with all the troublemakers generated for everyone.
Already this week, (14-09-2020) we will have a pre-schedule that will be published before the holidays (start 20-09-2020), in its final version.
Already scheduled from 20-09-2020 to 03-10-2020, we count on your best understanding for a possible less support or possible delay in response . - But we will always be reachable!
We would appreciate it if you would support your own work.
To you, who have not yet received our invitation, we are very grateful for all your work, for all your collaboration.
You can always be proud of having broadcast on this Radio.
*- Contact us and we will answer your questions or you may not have seen our invitation.
More news soon.
Thank you for your collaboration and your great spirit Trance
Because music is joy life, passion
This Radio of yours, with all my affection.
Radio Trance Passion